Alveolar Echinococcosis (AE) is a zoonotic infestation with aggressive behavior1. Most patients are asymptomatic in the early period, and therefore they are often detected incidentally during radiological examinations performed for other reasons.[1] AE is considered a tumor-like disease because the disease grows in the liver by invading the surrounding tissue and metastasizes to distant organs in some patients.[2] Therefore, resection is recommended in surgical treatment according to oncological principles, that is, with clean surgical margins.[3] The present report aims to present our approach to a patient diagnosed with alveolar echino-coccosis, which occupied the right lobe of the liver and included the part of the left hepatic vein flowing into the IVC, was prepared for liver transplantation and was saved from liver transplantation by liver resection.
Keywords: Alveolar Echinococcosis, hepatectomy, liver transplantation, resection.